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Clubhouse Directory

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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Map Key: Red = Accredited Clubhouses; Green = Training Bases; Grey = Non-Accredited Clubhouses

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Wabash Valley Friendship Clubhouse
501 South 6th Street
Vincennes, Indiana, USA 47591
Director: Dave Engstrom
Phone: 812 494 9512
Fax: 812 494 9513
Email: wvfhouse@gmail.com
Website Address: n/a
Waipahu Aloha Clubhouse
94-091 Waipio Point Access Road
Waipahu, Hawai`i, USA 96797
Director: Kelly Penn
Phone: 808 675 0093
Fax: 808 675 0071
Email: waipahuclubhouse@hawaii.rr.com
Website Address: www.waipahualohaclubhouse.org
Walonkulman Klubitalo
Suomen Kasarmi 15
Hämeenlinna, Finland 13130
Director: Ellen Eklund
Phone: 358 44 455 4790
Email: walonkulman.klubitalo@sopimusvuori.fi
Website Address: https://www.sopimusvuori.fi/walonkulma/
Warszawski Dom pod Fontanna
ul. Nowolipki 6A
Warsaw, Poland 00-153
Director: Kasia Boguszewska
Phone: 48 22 636 55 89
Fax: 48 22 636 47 29
Email: biuro@wdpf.org.pl
Website Address: www.wdpf.org.pl
Wasatch House
605 East 600 South
Provo, Utah, USA 84606
Director: Tyler Colby
Phone: 801 373 7440
Fax: 801 374 1064
Email: tcolby@wasatch.org
Water's Edge Clubhouse
101 Ashmun Street
Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, USA 49783
Director: Kerry Gravelle
Phone: 906 259 0783
Fax: 906 259 0786
Email: kgravelle@hbhcmh.org
Webster House Clubhouse
746 South St.
Roslindale, Massachusetts, USA 02131
Director: Anne Thelen
Phone: 617 739 5461
Email: thelena@vinfen.org
Wellspring Clubhouse
700 South Main Street
Sellersville, Pennsylvania, USA 18960
Director: Jocelyn Giancola
Phone: 215 257 4760
Fax: 215 257 6629
Email: Jocelyn.giancola@sluhn.org
West Place Clubhouse
1037 Compass Circle Suite 102
Suite 102
Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA 15601
Director: Rhonda Wallace
Phone: 724 834 2727
Fax: 724 836 3688
Email: rwallace@excelahealth.org
Website Address: N/A
Whatcom Clubhouse
1331 Meador Avenue #j106
Bellingham, Washington, USA 98229
Director: Evan Mulligan
Phone: 360 224 6000
Email: info@whatcomclubhouse.org
Website Address: https://whatcomclubhouse.org/
Workabilities Clubhouse
300 North 5th Street
Sunbury, Pennsylvania, USA 17801
Director: Cindy Erickson
Phone: 570 495 4330
Fax: 570 495 4332
Email: ericksonc@csgonline.org

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