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Clubhouse Directory

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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Map Key: Red = Accredited Clubhouses; Green = Training Bases; Grey = Non-Accredited Clubhouses

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Railway Clubhouse
1016 Grandview Ave.
Newton, Kansas, USA 67114
Director: David Kapten
Phone: 316 333 8198
Fax: 316 262 8882
Email: david.kapten@railwayclubhouse.org
Website Address: https://www.breakthroughwichita.org/railway-clubhouse/
Rainbow Club
1727 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, New York, USA 10031
Director: Lilibeth Marchena
Phone: 631-629-8472
Email: info@bowencsc.org
Website Address: www.bowencsc.org
Rainbow Clubhouse
Ballyfermot Road
Cherry Orchard Campus
Cherry Orchard Dublin, Republic of Ireland 10
Director: Alice Dodrill
Phone: 353 (0) 1 7955453/55450
Email: rainbow.clubhouse@hse.ie
Website Address: www.rainbowclubhouse.ie
Reclamation Clubhouse
7101 Quivira Road
Shawnee, Kansas, USA 66226
Director: Josh Lyman
Phone: 913 356 9899
Email: Clubhouse@pathwaytohope.org
Website Address: https://pathwaytohope.org/what-we-do/clubhouse/
Renaissance Club
176 Walker Street, 2nd Floor
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA 01854
Director: John Kirton
Phone: 978 454 7944
Fax: 978 937 7867
Email: jkirton@eliotchs.org
Website Address: https://www.renaissanceclublowell.org/
Robbie's House
312 E. Custer Street
Laramie, Wyoming, USA 82070
Director: Oscar Lilley
Phone: 307 460 2627
Email: robbieshouselaramie@gmail.com
Website Address: https://www.robbieshouselaramie.org
Russia House
Ramenki Street 9-4-781
Moscow, Russian Federation 119607
Director: Tatiana Saphyannikova
Phone: 7 499 739 2067
Fax: 7 499 739 2067
Email: rushouse@inbox.ru

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