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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Map Key: Red = Accredited Clubhouses; Green = Training Bases; Grey = Non-Accredited Clubhouses

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Eagles' Nest Clubhouse
190 Main Street
Ellsworth, Maine, USA 04605
Director: Alice Grindle
Phone: 207 389 3300
Fax: 207 412 2447
Email: agrindle@ohimaine.org
Website Address: www.ohimaine.org/clubhouse
East Wind Clubhouse
8745 Aero Drive, Suite 330
San Diego, California, USA 92123
Director: May Vang
Phone: 858 268 4933
Fax: 858 268 0244
Email: mvang@upacsd.com
Website Address: https://www.upacsd.com/
Easy Clubhouse
6F, No18, Zhongzheng Road
Tucheng District, NewTaipei City, Taiwan (Republic of China) 236
Director: Yu-Chen Hou
Phone: 886 2 8262 1305
Fax: 886 2 8262 1307
Email: cih.fang@msa.hinet.net
Website Address: https://zh-tw.facebook.com/cihfang/
Eden Clubhouse
3F., No. 33, Sec. 2, Chengde Road, Datong District
1F, No. 10-2, Lane 145, Dunhua N. Road
Taipei City, Taiwan (Republic of China) 103
Director: Chiu-Hui Chen
Phone: 886 2 25503031
Fax: 886 2 25503016
Email: dep435@eden.org.tw
Website Address: www.facebook.com/popularcrazy
515 West 300 North, Suite A and B
George, Utah, USA 84770
Director: Ryan Heck
Phone: 435 628 0612
Email: rheck@sbhcutah.org
Website Address: www.sbhc.us
Elevation House
202 East Third Avenue
Rome, Georgia, USA 30161
Director: Beth Mulcahey
Phone: 706 413 2323
Email: elevationhouserome@gmail.com
Website Address: www.elevationhouse.org
Elliot House
255 Highland Avenue
Needham, Massachusetts, USA 02494
Director: Stephen Chaffee
Phone: 781 449 1212
Fax: 781 449 4064
Email: SChaffee@riversidecc.org
Website Address: www.elliothouse.org
Elm Brook Place
4 A Street, 1st Floor
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA 01803
Director: Jennifer Thompson
Phone: 781 202-3478
Fax: 781 202-3481
Email: hbergeron@eliotchs.org
Website Address: www.elmbrookplace.org
Empowerment Clubhouse
441 Drake Avenue
Marin City, California, USA 94965
Director: Christina Junker, Executive Director
Phone: 415 339 2837
Fax: 415 332 0337
Email: empowermentclubhouse@marincitycdc.org
Website Address: www.marincitycdc.org
Everett Clubhouse
1901 Wetmore
Unit 1
Everett, Washington, USA 98201
Director: Keenan Solomon
Phone: 425 389 9510
Email: info@everettclubhouse.org
Website Address: www.everettclubhouse.org
Evergreen Club
East 2102 Sprague Avenue
Spokane, Washington, USA 99202
Director: Megan Chandler
Phone: 509 458 7454
Fax: 509 458 7462
Email: evergreenclubhouse@gmail.com

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