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Clubhouse Directory

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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Map Key: Red = Accredited Clubhouses; Green = Training Bases; Grey = Non-Accredited Clubhouses

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Imatran Klubitalo
Suntionkuja 2
Imatra, Finland 55120
Director: Sanna Rinkinen
Phone: 358 50 469 8648
Email: imatranklubitalo@eskot.org
Website Address: www.imatranklubitalo.eskot.org
Independence Center
4245 Forest Park Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri, USA 63108
Director: Joe Shaffer
Phone: 314 533 4245
Fax: 314 533 7773
Email: pholmes@independencecenter.org
Website Address: https://independencecenter.org
Infinity House
1438 South 13th Street
Terre Haute, Indiana, USA 47802
Director: BJ Steadman
Phone: 812 917 4024
Email: rsteadman@hamiltoncenter.org
Integrity House
2043 North Broadway
Santa Ana, California, USA 92706
Director: Cathy DeMello
Phone: 714 542 0855
Fax: 714 542 2155
Email: cathydemello@gmail.com
Website Address: www.allianceofabilities.org
Iris Clubhouse
239 E. H Street
Casper, Wyoming, USA 82601
Director: Rebecca Reeves
Phone: 307 333 2507
Email: irisclubhouse@gmail.com
Website Address: https://www.irisclubhouse.org/

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