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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Map Key: Red = Accredited Clubhouses; Green = Training Bases; Grey = Non-Accredited Clubhouses

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Vail Hopkins Clubhouse
23-9th Avenue South
Hopkins, Minnesota, USA 55343
Director: Chad Bolstrom
Phone: 952 945 4263
Fax: 952 938 7934
Email: cbolstrom@vailplace.org
Website Address: www.vailplace.org
Vail Ramsey County Clubhouse
285 Dale Street North
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 55104
Director: Chad Bolstrom
Phone: 952 945 4260
Email: cbolstrom@vailcommunities.org
Website Address: https://vailcommunities.org/
Vail Uptown Clubhouse
1412 West 36th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 55408
Director: Chad Bolstrom
Phone: 952 945 4263
Email: cbolstrom@vailplace.org
Website Address: www.vailcommunities.org
Venture House Queens
150-10 Hillside Avenue
Jamaica, New York, USA 11432
Director: David Plotka
Phone: 718 658 7201
Fax: 718 658 7899
Email: info@venturehouse.org
Website Address: www.venturehouse.org
Venture House Staten Island
1442 Castleton Avenue
Staten Island, New York, USA 10203
Director: Faqueni Ravel
Phone: 718 658 7821
Fax: 718 658 7899
Email: fravel@venturehouse.org
Website Address: www.venturehouse.org
Village Clubhouse
119 Main Street
Topsham, Maine, USA 04086
Director: Candy Lessard
Phone: 207 837 6260
Fax: 207 213 2043
Email: clessard@kbhmaine.org
Website Address: http://www.villageclubhouse.org
Vincent House
4801 78th Avenue North
Pinellas Park, Florida, USA 33781
Director: Jacki Killeen
Phone: 727 541 0321
Fax: 727 541 0355
Email: jacki@vincenthouse.org
Website Address: http://vincenthouse.org
Vincent House Hernando
7473 Forest Oaks Boulevard
Spring Hill, Florida, USA 34606
Director: Steven Lockwood
Phone: 352 701 0778
Fax: 352 701 0779
Email: steven@vincenthouse.org
Website Address: http://vincenthouse.org
Vincent House Pasco
11145 Denton Avenue
Hudson, Florida, USA 34667
Director: Elizabeth Statzer
Phone: 727 819 4477
Fax: 727 233 4434
Email: pascoinfo@vincenthouse.org
Website Address: www.vincenthouse.org
Visions Clubhouse
185 Elizabeth Lake Road
Pontiac, Michigan, USA 48323
Director: Angela Taylor
Phone: 248 335 8710
Fax: 248 994 4635
Email: VisionsClubhouse@gmail.com
Website Address: www.cnsmi.org
456 Sang Yong-Dong
Rarunback Hall B120
Chungnam, Republic of Korea
Director: Hong Seon Hwa
Phone: 82 41 578 4774
Fax: 82 41 579 4774
Email: chwenees@naver.com
Website Address: www.cafe.daum.net/chvitamin

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