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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Kate's Place
4508 Thistledown Drive
Orlando, Florida, USA 32804
Director: Carolyn Kreuzpaintner
Phone: 407 667 1606
Email: katesplace4508@Gmail.com
Website Address: N/A
Katie's Place Clubhouse
247 Penn Ave
Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA 18503
Director: John W Rosengrant
Phone: 570 348 6100
Email: john.rosengrant@scrantonscc.org
Website Address: https://www.katiesplaceclubhouse.org/
Kauhale Lahilahi, The Makaha Clubhouse
84-1170 Farrington Highway
Suite B
Wai'anae, Hawai`i, USA 96792
Director: Uthpala Walpola
Phone: 8084857045
Email: kauhalelahilahi@gmail.com
Website Address: none
Kildehuset Fountain House/Aalborg
Anders Mørchsvej 1
Nørresundby, Denmark 9400
Director: Birthe Sloth Thomsen
Phone: 45 9931 6000
Email: kildehuset@aalborg.dk
Website Address: www.kildehuset-fountainhouse.dk
Kindred Clubhouse
2036 Frankston-Flinders Road
Hastings, Victoria, Australia 3915
Director: Brendan O'Connell
Phone: 61 41 348 3310
Email: director@kindredclubhouse.org.au
Website Address: www.kindredclubhouse.org.au
Kitsap Clubhouse
5454 Almira Drive NE
Bremerton, Washington, USA 98311
Director: Sandra Quinn
Phone: 360 373 5031
Email: sandraq@kmhs.org
Website Address: https://www.kitsapmentalhealth.org/
Klubbhus Fontana
Lokföraregatan 9
Karis, Finland 10300
Director: Anita Dufholm
Phone: 358 19 236 033
Fax: 358 19 236 015
Email: fontana.klubbhus@2me.fi
Website Address: www.klubbhusfontana.fi
Klubbhuset Pelaren
Strandgatan 7
Mariehamn, Finland Ax- 22100
Director: Linus Åkerholm
Phone: 358 18 22940
Email: info@klubbhusetpelaren.com
Website Address: www.klubbhusetpelaren.com
Klúbburinn Geysir
Skipholti 29
Reykjavik, Iceland 105
Director: Thorunn Ósk Sölvadóttir
Phone: 354 551 5166
Email: kgeysir@kgeysir.is
Website Address: www.klubburinngeysir.is
Klubi Deshira
Haxhi Zeka, NR #55
Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo 10000
Director: Nysret Shillova
Phone: 377 441 739 74
Email: clubhousedeshira@hotmail.com
Ko'olau Clubhouse
46-016 Alaloa Street
Kaneohe, Hawai`i, USA 96744
Director: Michelle Chow
Phone: 808 233 3778
Fax: 808 233 3790
Email: koolauclubhouse@gmail.com

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