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There are over 350 Clubhouses in 32 countries offering hope and opportunities to people living with mental illness. If you know someone living with mental illness, Clubhouses can help!

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Dandelion Clubhouse
5/F, Chronic Disease Hospital
11 Jinhu Road, Luohu District
Shenzhen City, Guangdong, People's Republic of China 518023
Director: Qiao Hexia
Phone: 86 0755 8245 1806
Fax: 86 0755 8226 5948
Email: szdandelion123@163.com
Website Address: http://blog.sina.com.cn/dandelionclubhouse
Deaf Community Services of San Diego Clubhouse
2240 Cleveland Ave
National City, California, USA 91950
Director: Jeremy Murphy
Phone: 619 618 0501
Email: info@dcsofsd.org
Website Address: https://deafcommunityservices.org/
Diamond Head Clubhouse
3627 Kilauea Avenue, Bldg. #410
Honolulu, Hawai`i, USA 96816
Director: Paul Newell
Phone: 808 733 9188
Fax: 808 733 9099
Email: diamondheadclubhouse@yahoo.com
Diamond House Clubhouse
307 Commercial Road
Port Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5015
Director: Kim Smith
Phone: 618 8244 5525
Fax: 618 8244 5585
Email: comunit@clubhouse.org.au
Website Address: www.clubhouse.org.au
Donald Berman UP House/ La Maison UP Donald Berman
5215 Namur
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4P 2R7
Director: Alanna Devine
Phone: 514 764 5599
Fax: 514 687 2196
Email: alanna.devine@uphouse.org
Website Address: www.uphouse.org / www.radio-up.org
Dreams Unlimited Clubhouse
1222 Catalpa Drive
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA 48067
Director: Lyndsey Shelby
Phone: 248 544 2034
Fax: 248 544 2152
Email: lshelby@eastersealsmorc.org
Website Address: www.duc.essmichigan.org

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