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Articles Library

We have assembled a unique archive of over 1,000 documents from the growing body of articles, presentations and research on mental illness and the Clubhouse Model.

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Search Results

Available: Link to article
Stevens, C. (2000) Learning to Let Go and Let G.O.D.: Recovery and Clubhouse. 1-10
Carey, B. (2011) Lives Restored: Executive with Schizoaffective Disorder Uses Job to Cope The New York Times
Available: Link to article
Gumber, S. (2011) Living in the Community with Serious Mental Illness: Community Integration Experiences of Clubhouse Members Dissertation
Scheid, T.L. & Anderson, C. (1995) Living with chronic mental illness: Understanding the role of work Community Mental Health Journal 31(2), 163.
Jarl, B. (1992) Living with the Standards in a Growing Clubhouse Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 16(2), 31-38
Brix, A., Christiansen, M., Oldert, L., Tymofichuk, D. (2016) LOOKING AHEAD: IMAGINING THE CLUBHOUSE OF TOMORROW
Available: Link to article
Bishop, B. & Finney, H. (1996) Lorikeet Clubhouse Evaluation. The School of Psychology at Curtin University for The Schizophrenia fellowship of Western Australia. (Ed. Hetherington, R., Loney, S., Venema, S., and White, A.) 1-47.1-47.
Macias, C., Young, R., & Barreira, P. (2000) Loss of Trust: Correlates of the Comorbidity of PTSD and Severe Mental Illness Handbook of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 5, 103-124.
Macias, C., Young, R., & Barreira, P. (2000) Loss of Trust: Correlates of the Comorbidity of PTSD and Severe Mental Illness Handbook of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 5, 103-124
Macias, C., Young, R., & Barreira, P. (2000) Loss of Trust: Correlates of the Comorbidity of PTSD and Severe Mental Illness Handbook of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 2000
Finch, Ellen S. & Krantz, Steven R. (1991) Low burnout in a high-stress setting: A study of staff adaptation at Fountain House. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal 14(3), 15-27
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