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Articles Library

We have assembled a unique archive of over 1,000 documents from the growing body of articles, presentations and research on mental illness and the Clubhouse Model.

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Kinzel, C. H. (1990) Educating for ownership: The use of non-formal education in the Fountain House model of psychiatric rehabilitation (a naturalistic environment) Dissertation Abstracts International,1-204
Niemeier, J. P., DeGrace, S. M., Farrar, L. F., Ketchum, J. S., Berman, A. J., & Young, J. A. (2010) Effectiveness of a comprehensive, manualized intervention for improving productivity and employability following brain injury Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 33, 167-179
Booth, M.E. (1993) Effects of program factors on client outcomes: Evaluation of three Clubhouse programs for persons with severe mental illness Dissertation, Virginia Commonwealth University
Rosenfield, S. & Neese-Todd, S. (1993) Elements of a psychosocial Clubhouse program associated with a satisfying quality of life Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 44, 76-78
(2013) Elkhart County Clubhouse Celebrates Accreditation Goshen News
Available: Link to article
(2009) Employers Could Save Billions by Reducing Stigma of Mental Illness Canwest News Service
McKay, C., Johnsen, M., & Stein, R. (2005) Employment outcomes in Massachusetts Clubhouses Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29, 25-33.
Marrone, J., Balzell, A. & Gold, M. (1995) Employment supports for people with mental illness Psychiatric Services46(7), 707-711.
McKay, C. E., Johnsen, M., Banks, S., & Stein, R. (2006) Employment transitions for Clubhouse members Work 26(1):67-74, 26, 67-74.
Raeburn, T., Schmied, V., Hungerford, C., & Cleary, M. Employment, community and recovery, lessons from a psychosocial Clubhouse. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, pp. 46. ISSN 1445-8330. (2016)
Mitchell, J. (1995) Engaging Members in Clubhouse Activities: Choices, Options, Coffee, and Relationships. 1-3.
Available: Link to article
Davey, J. (1995) Engaging Members in Clubhouse Activities: Getting From "Will You?" to "I Want To". 1-5.
Available: Link to article
Engaging Young Adults
Available: Link to article
Landis, J. Estimating Net Effects and Costs of Service Options for Persons with Serious Mental Illness Unknown, 1-4
Beard, J.R. (1995) Evaluating Clubhouse Staff Presented at the 8th International Seminar on the Clubhouse Model, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Herman, S.E., Onaga, E., Randall, K., Pernice-Duca, F., Oh, S., & Ferguson, K. (2000) Evaluating Psychosocial Clubhouse Programs: Strategies, Methods, and Clubhouse Principles.
Beard, J. H., Pitt, R. B., Fisher, S. H., & Goertzel, V. (1963) Evaluating the effectiveness of a psychiatric rehabilitation program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33, 701-712
Laird, M. & Krown, S. (1991) Evaluation of a Transitional Employment Program. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal15(1), 3-8.
Pernice-Duca, F. & Onaga, E. (2009) Examining the contribution of social network support to the recovery process among clubhouse members American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 12, 1-30
Johnsen, M., McKay, C., & Campbell, R (2005) Examining the Evidence Base for the Clubhouse Model. The 15th Annual Conference on State Mental Health Agency Services Research, Program Evaluation, and Policy, Baltimore, MD. February 2005.
Bean, B. (1995) Expanded Supported Housing Program at Fountain House Clubhouse Papers: Selected papers from the 7th International Seminar on the Clubhouse Model, Worcester MA, 1993, 94-97.
Cella, E.P., Besancon, V. & Zipple, A. (1997) Expanding the role of Clubhouses: Guidelines for establishing a system of integrated day services Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 21(1), 10-15
Norman, C. (2003) Experiences from using a participatory oriented research method within a Clubhouse Presented at the 12th International Seminar on the Clubhouse Model, Minneapolis, MN.
Carey, B. Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight The New York Times
Available: Link to article
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