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2022 Honorary Pardes Humanitarian Prize in Mental Health

10/14/22 News

Clubhouse International is deeply honored to receive the Honorary 2022 Pardes Humanitarian Prize in Mental Health awarded by The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. The Pardes Prize recognizes the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation as a rights-based approach to recovery that expands access to care for people living with mental illness around the world. Tags: Clubhouse model  Mental Health  Pardes Prize  The Brain and Behavior Research Foundatin  

Our Work with Clubhouse Coalitions Spurs Clubhouse Expansion

07/07/22 News

As we seek to expand the Clubhouse approach to mental illness recovery and grow our global Clubhouse network, Clubhouse International recently formed a new working group, the Coalitions and Associations Committee. To date, we work with 20 recognized Clubhouse Coalitions around the world to start, grow and sustain Clubhouses.

Join Us for Hill Day at Home

06/03/22 News

Please join us online for Hill Day at Home 2022 on Wednesday, June 8 - registration is free! Hill Day is the largest virtual mental health and substance use advocacy event of its kind – a chance to hear from policy experts and to demand action from your elected officials.

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