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October 10 is World Mental Health Day — Help Us Celebrate the Power of Equity!

07/30/24 News

We are pleased to collaborate with the World Federation for Mental Health on making World Mental Health Day 2023 on October 10th a unique and exciting experience. This year’s global theme is: It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace. World Mental Health Day aims to advance global and community solutions for addressing mental illness. Tags: Clubhouse International  Wellness for Mental Health  World Mental Health Day  

The Clubhouse community mourns the passing of Clubhouse icon, Ralph Bilby

07/30/24 News

It is with great sadness that we share the news of Ralph Bilby's passing. Ralph was a beloved figure within the Clubhouse International community and beyond, renowned for his unwavering dedication to our cause. He tirelessly championed the creation of transformative programs for individuals living with mental illness, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. Tags: Clubhouse International  Ralph Bilby  World Mental Health  

Clubhouse International Celebrates 30 Years of Change

06/03/24 News

Clubhouse International, the only global non-profit, non-governmental organization that helps communities around the world create sustainable solutions for mental illness, celebrates the 30th Anniversary of its founding in 2024. In 30 years, Clubhouse International has succeeded in creating something that didn’t exist before: a worldwide community that is changing the world of mental health. Tags: Changing Mental Health  Clubhouse International 30th Anniversary  Clubhouse model  

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