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Mental Health

New U.S Congressional Clubhouse Caucus Founded: Exciting News and Potential for Growth of the Clubhouse Movement across the U.S.

03/12/24 News

Representative Ritchie Torres (NY-15) has announced the establishment of a congressional caucus, The Clubhouse Caucus, which will serve as a platform through which members of the U.S. Congress can advocate for enhanced mental health care by promoting the development and support of Clubhouses. Tags: Clubhouse International  Clubhouse model  Mental Health  

Join us on Social Media for Clubhouse Movement Celebration Week Mar. 4-11!

02/13/24 News

So many of us are grateful that our Clubhouses have given our lives meaning, purpose, friendship, and joy. In 2014, a group of us from the Michigan (U.S.) Clubhouse Coalition decided to create a week-long event (March 4-11 2024) in which Clubhouse members around the world can celebrate our Clubhouses together, and tell the world who we are! We are pleased to say this is the 10th year of this event! Tags: #ClubhouseWorks  Clubhouse Michigan  Mental Health  

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