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Our Work with Clubhouse Coalitions Spurs Clubhouse Expansion
July 7, 2022

As we seek to expand the Clubhouse approach to mental illness recovery and grow our global Clubhouse network, Clubhouse International recently formed a new working group, the Coalitions and Associations Committee. To date, we work with 20 recognized Clubhouse Coalitions around the world to start, grow and sustain Clubhouses. Each of these Coalitions has unique strengths, including the necessary local connections to foster interest in starting and expanding the Clubhouse model in each of their respective regions.

We are already seeing results! In several countries and US states, government agencies are funding new Clubhouses. For example, The Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services recently granted awards to start seven new Clubhouses. These Clubhouse Startup groups all participated in our May 2022 New Clubhouse Development (NCD) Training. Clubhouse Coalition Ohio was instrumental in securing the awards and will be helping these startup groups to successfully build upon the learnings from their NCD Training to help many more people living with mental illness in Ohio find a successful approach to recovery.

We are excited about this work and look forward to sharing the results of how it is helping to grow and sustain the Clubhouse Model for many years to come!

Pictured: ‘Fontenehus Norge/Norwegian Clubhouse Coalition speaking about the Clubhouse approach to recovery to local community members’

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