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New Resource Helps Build Clubhouse Partnerships with Universities
December 11, 2024

Introducing a new resource designed in partnership with Active Minds to help identify and strengthen partnerships between Clubhouses and local universities.

Check out the website and find a local Active Minds chapter near you! You’ll also find other helpful information, including:

  • Outreach sample letter
  • Grant-writing tips
  • And so much more!

About the Collaboration:

Over the past few years, Clubhouse International has partnered with the Active Minds chapter at University of Notre Dame to advance understanding of mental illness and enhance community connections. Both Active Minds and Clubhouse International share a commitment to changing the narrative around mental illness. With a network of Active Minds chapters across the U.S., many of which are located near Clubhouses, this partnership offers great potential.

As part of this collaboration, we worked with Notre Dame to create a website that offers information to help Clubhouses build and grow similar partnerships with their local Active Minds chapters at colleges and universities. We hope this website will serve as a resource for establishing connections, sharing ideas, and fostering collaboration at the local level.

Examples of how Active Minds Notre Dame partners with the Clubhouse community:

  • Grant-writing: Active Minds at Notre Dame worked closely with Lexington House, a Clubhouse in Elkhart, Indiana, to apply for the Institute for Social Concerns (ISC) Grant. This grant, offered by Notre Dame, supports research on the Clubhouse Model. The collaboration included weekly Zoom meetings where both groups worked together to prepare the grant, utilizing resources now available on the website’s grant-writing tab that other Clubhouses can utilize.
  • Social Media: Active Minds Notre Dame partnered with Clubhouse Indiana to build its social media presence. By collaborating weekly, they helped create and launch an Instagram page for Clubhouse Indiana, which now shares valuable information about mental health and Clubhouse resources across the state.

About Active Minds:

Active Minds is a US-based nonprofit organization focused on changing and destigmatizing the conversation around mental health, with a focus on young adults ages 14–25. Active Minds has chapters in more than 1,000 college campuses and communities.

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