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Announcing Clubhouse Giving Day 2024: Registration Opens March 1
February 22, 2024

Clubhouse International is thrilled to announce the fourth annual Clubhouse Giving Day – June 4, 2024!

Registration opens March 1. Click here to register.

What is Clubhouse Giving Day?

A dedicated time for Clubhouses worldwide to join together to raise money and awareness for their tremendous work providing services, resources, education, and opportunity for people living with mental illness. It is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the Clubhouse approach to recovery and celebrate the strength of our global Clubhouse network. 

The Impact of Clubhouse Giving Day

Over the past three years, Clubhouses around the world have collectively raised nearly $700K in donations from over 2,600 donors. The donations raised by each individual Clubhouse go directly to that Clubhouse, with no portions or proceeds shared by Clubhouse International or any other intermediaries. Clubhouse International offers advice, support, and a platform — and Clubhouses get the funding! 

How to Get Involved?

All Clubhouses are welcome to participate. To register, please visit the Clubhouse Giving Day website and enter your details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Michelle Menzel, Development Manager at Clubhouse International: mmenzel@clubhouse-intl.org

Please join us to make this the biggest and most impactful Clubhouse Giving Day to date. Together, we can collectively raise funds and awareness about the Clubhouse Model’s tremendous impact on individuals and communities around the world. 

We are excited to see what we can accomplish in 2024! 

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