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October 10 is World Mental Health Day -- Help Us Celebrate the Power of Equity!
July 30, 2024

We are pleased to collaborate with the World Federation for Mental Health on making World Mental Health Day 2024 on October 10th a unique and exciting experience. This year’s global theme is: It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace.

World Mental Health Day aims to advance global and community solutions for addressing mental illness by raising awareness, reducing stigma, empowering communities, encouraging greater investment from key stakeholders, and celebrating achievements.

Our 2024 WMHD Campaign: EQUITY WORKS!

Please join us and participating Clubhouse International Clubhouses as we champion the positive impact of equity on mental health. Equity, a critical aspect of the Clubhouse approach to recovery, helps empower individuals and transform communities.

“Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are pervasive in workplaces globally, impacting productivity, attendance, and overall performance. When left untreated, the staggering economic cost is estimated at US$1 trillion annually by the WHO.” ~World Federation of Mental Health

Through this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign, we are championing equality for people living with mental illness in the workplace and promoting best practices that create cultures where everyone has the opportunity to contribute productively and to thrive.

We aim to advance equity and address inequality in the workplace and society through Clubhouse Employment programs and the side-by-side work of Clubhouse members and staff.

Here’s What YOU Can Do

  • Share how equity transforms lives at your Clubhouse and in your life on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter or YouTube pages!
    • Examples: showcase members and staff working side-by-side; highlight employment partnerships; share quotes of how equity helps empower people
    • Tag Clubhouse International
    • Use hashtags: #EquityWorks #ClubhouseWMHD24 #WMHD2024
  • Develop an event to take place on October 10 that demonstrates the transformative power of equity in the workplace and/or at the Clubhouse.

Empowering Individuals Through Equity

How Clubhouses Promote the Importance of Equity

The Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation works because it is a community-based approach to recovery built on the idea that people living with mental illness should have equal opportunity to work and contribute to society.

Equity is a key to recovery: our employment programs offer members opportunities and support as they (re)enter the workforce; and members work alongside Clubhouse staff as equals in managing the Clubhouse.

We encourage Clubhouses to promote the equity aspect of the Clubhouse Model by collaborating with local employment partners. These partnerships create more opportunities for people with mental illness to learn professional and social skills, find employment, and reduce the stigma around mental illness.

Here are some examples of how equity works at for Clubhouse members:

Yahara House, Madison Wisconsin USA

My first TEP (Transitional Employment Placement) saved me from living on the street. I was homeless and living at Tellurian’s THP. I had been there for six months with no income or benefits, and they were growing impatient with my inability to sustain work. My first TEP was working for Journey Mental Health Center as a file clerk. The money I earned was just enough to allow me to get a room at Porchlight on Brooks Street. It was modest, to say the least, but it beat living on the street as winter set in. That job was the first step to my ascent out of homelessness and poverty.”– Yahara House associate member Peter R.

Stepping Stone Clubhouse, Australia

Working side-by-side with staff, members are included in every aspect of the operation of Clubhouse programs. In fact, the Clubhouse is intentionally understaffed so that it could not operate without the assistance and involvement of the membership. Through participation in the three work units (Employment, Clerical, Administration and Training; Reception and Media; Hospitality), members engage in a range of meaningful activities that boost self-esteem and help prepare members for other employment or education opportunities within the community. On average, 60 members attend the Clubhouse each day, and last financial year, over 600 members were active in the Clubhouse

Meet Our 2024 WMHD Clubhouse Partners!

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