About Jackie
As the years passed I regained my confidence, and, as a result, I was able to return to work, meet new friends, and travel around the world and tell my story.
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As the years passed I regained my confidence, and, as a result, I was able to return to work, meet new friends, and travel around the world and tell my story.
My Clubhouse saved my life over and over again. They are my family, friends and now my employer. I am proud to tell you that I am now a staff worker at an Accredited Clubhouse.
Since I have been involved with the Clubhouse I haven’t had any hospitalizations and my medication has been stable. I 've found a new more fulfilling life.
Mental illness is a battle that can be won with support, understanding, and empowerment all of which Clubhouses provide for members on a day to day basis.
Now I know that there is help available through Clubhouses. My life does not have to revolve around self medication and constant darkness.
Today, thanks to Clubhouse International, there is hope for our brother and many more like him in Ghana.