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SAMHSA and the Ad Council Launch National Campaign to Raise Awareness about Mental Health Problems in Hispanic/Latino Communities
July 8, 2010

SAMHSA Press Release – July 8, 2010
Summary: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in collaboration with The Advertising Council, announced the launch of a public service advertising campaign to promote recovery from mental health problems within the Hispanic/Latino community. The goal is to educate and inspire young adults to talk openly about mental health issues. According to SAMHSA, 1 in 7 Hispanic/Latino young adults experienced serious psychological distress in the past year. Despite the high prevalence among this group, only 28.3 percent received care within the past 12 months. “Raising awareness that effective treatments for mental illnesses are available and that people recover, can encourage those in need to seek help, said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. “This outreach to the Hispanic community will help open dialogue about supporting friends or family members with mental health problems in a culturally relevant way.”

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