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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Clubhouse International recognizes May as Mental Health Awareness Month.
Join us in raising awareness and taking action for those living with mental illness through several exciting initiatives this month.

Together, we are changing the world of mental health!

Clubhouse Works: Celebrating Our 30th Anniversary

This year we are celebrating 30 years of change! Join us to learn more about our work driving expansion of the Clubhouse Model around the world.

Clubhouse Giving Day (June 4)

Join us for Clubhouse Giving Day! Follow us on social media and visit our Clubhouse Giving Day web page and on social media to learn how you can support your favorite Clubhouse and Clubhouse International during the giving period from May 18 through June 4.

2024 Clubhouse Week of Action (May 28-31)

Clubhouse International and Fountain House are collaborating on the 2024 Clubhouse Week of Action, a dedicated time when Clubhouses across the country will be engaging their representatives, local businesses, the media, and others in the community on the holistic Clubhouse Model of mental illness recovery. Read our joint press release here.

  • Clubhouses: This is an excellent opportunity to open your doors to elected officials, community leaders and members of the local media to show them why the Clubhouse Model works, and why we need policies and funding to support mental health services. Click here to access resource toolkit.
  • Our Community At Large: Find a Clubhouse near you to visit. Bring a friend and learn more about how Clubhouse changes lives and communities.

Mental Health Action Day (May 16)

As a founding partner of Mental Health Action Day (MHAD) on May 16, powered by MTV, we join companies and organizations around the world to promote action that will increase and enhance mental health care for all.

Take Action: We encourage you to dedicate one hour to connect with yourself, your loved ones and/or your community. Learn more at Mental Health Action Day.

Keep the Momentum Going!

We hope you will join us for one or all of these initiatives as we come together as a global Clubhouse community celebrating 30 years of change!

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