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If You Build It, They Will Come
May 1, 2009

Behavioral Healthcare – May, 2009
Summary: Independence Center in St. Louis, Missouri has experienced unprecedented growth since occupying its new West End Place Clubhouse in August 2007. It is the second largest Clubhouse in the world (according to the International Center for Clubhouse Development) and has a daily attendance of more than 245 members. Prior to the 2007 opening, there were 2 different Clubhouse centers located seven miles apart. Through an inclusive process involving 11 task forces comprised of members, staff and some board members, the vision of creating a single Clubhouse for Independence Center became a reality. The new Clubhouse is a 50,000 square foot facility, which provides a full array of supports to its members. “The building itself has a palpable energy, and visitors instantly comprehend that this program is all about getting our mentally ill members back into contemporary work settings”, said Executive Director Mike Keller. For more Information, visit www.independencecenter.org.

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