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ICCD Clubhouse Data Included in SAMHSA's Mental Health, United States, 2010
January 1, 2012

Summary: The United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released Mental Health United States 2010 earlier this year. This publication is part of a series and this issue reports on the nation’s mental health system across three themes: people; treatment facility characteristics; and payers and payment mechanisms. It includes all sort of useful information including state-level data and services in non-traditional settings such as clubhouse programs.

This is the first time that clubhouse data has been included in this publication. The Program for Clubhouse Research at the University of Massachusetts Medical School was able to provide SAMHSA with information from an earlier version of the Clubhouse Profile Questionnaire – a comprehensive survey of Clubhouse Programs affiliated with the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD). The ICCD and ICCD Clubhouses are included in this document in a meaningful way. 

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