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Glenn Close and family tackle stigma of mental illness
October 21, 2009

ABC News – October 21, 2009
Summary: Actress Glenn Close is speaking out for the first time on television about mental illness in her own family and is teaming up with her sister, Jessie, in a public service campaign to promote a dialogue about a condition that the actress believes we should “talk about as openly as cancer or diabetes.” Jessie Close has bipolar disorder and Jessie’s son, Calen Pick, has schizo-affective disorder. Glenn Close is also the creator of BringChange2Mind, an organization with the purpose of raising awareness about mental illness and providing support and information to those affected. Jessie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 47, “after living with it probably her whole life,” said her sister. Her son was diagnosed at the age of 15 with schizo-affective disorder, which means he has both schizophrenia and bipolar disease. Jessie’s message to others is to “be patient with yourself, love yourself” and rely on the support of family and friends.

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