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Finding Purpose After Living with Delusion
November 26, 2011

The New York Times –  November 26, 2011
Summary: In the fourth article of his “Lives Restored” series for the New York Times, Benedict Carey wrote about the case of Milt Greek who is managing a successful work and family life despite living with schizophrenia and a history of delusions that he needed to save the world. Mr. Greek is one of a number of people who believe that delusions are not merely symptoms of a disease but can be examined for meaning and contribute to recovery. Mr. Greek’s regimen combines meditation, work, drug treatment, therapy and charitable acts. “When I began to see the delusions in the context of things that were happening in my real life, they finally made some sense…..and understanding the story of my psychoses helped me see what I needed to stay well.” To read the entire article click here

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