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Join Clubhouse Giving Day 2024
May 17, 2024

This year, Clubhouse International is celebrating our 30th anniversary of working to strengthen and grow a worldwide community that is changing the world of mental health.

For our 4th Annual Clubhouse Giving Day, we are raising money to help with our expansion efforts and we hope you will join us!

We are currently working with nearly 60 startup groups in 15 countries to provide extensive technical consultation and support in addition to our formal New Development Training. In the past 18 months, we have helped 26 Clubhouses join our network!

How to Get Involved

We need your help to make our campaign a success! Here are a few easy ways to support Clubhouse International.

  • Take advantage of the early giving period, and make your gift as soon as May 21!
  • Become a fundraising champion. Everyone loves a champion, including us! Fundraising champions help drive people to our Clubhouse Giving Day™ profile on June 4. Contact us for more information on how to become a fundraising champion.
  • Share and share alike. Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow by sending this link to your network and asking your friends to do the same.

The Impact of Clubhouse Giving Day

We are pleased to share this opportunity with our member Clubhouses to promote each community, fundraise, AND celebrate our global network. Last year, more than 50 Clubhouses joined us to collectively raise nearly $200,000!

Clubhouse Giving Day is a great way to promote the Clubhouse approach to recovery around the world. We hope you will join us!

For questions, contact, Michelle Menzel at mmenzel@clubhouse-intl.org.

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