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Clubhouse Connection
January 23, 2012

Grand Traverse Insider –  January 23, 2012
Summary:  The Traverse House of Traverse City, Michigan is in the news. Traverse House recently earned the status of accreditation by ICCD. The article quotes Traverse House Director, Signe Ruddy, who explains what a Clubhouse is and what Traverse House does for its members and the community. Ruddy believes that the ICCD accreditation is a validation of the mission and values embodied by Traverse House. “Like all Clubhouse programs, Traverse House focuses on people’s strengths, not their illness,” said Ruddy. “Members and staff work side-by-side in decision making and governance of the program. Through the activities of a work-ordered day, individual members achieve or regain the confidence and skills necessary to lead vocationally productive and socially satisfying lives.” Traverse House currently has 76 members and 4 staff.

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