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B’More Clubhouse in the News
May 18, 2012

Psychiatric News – May 18, 2012

Summary: The Psychiatric News recently reported in detail on the success of B’More Clubhouse in Baltimore, MD. The article describes the Clubhouse model and explains the uniqueness of the model as an approach to helping people living with mental illness. B’More Clubhouse was the first ICCD Clubhouse in Maryland, opening its doors to members in 2009. Membership has increased from about 30 early in 2011 to more than 100 now. According to Executive Director, Veronica Lynn, M.S., the initial reaction to the Clubhouse from mental health professionals was cool. Once clinicians from Johns Hopkins, Sheppard Pratt and the University of Maryland toured the Clubhouse, B’More began getting more referrals. Members have a wide diversity of educational and employment histories. Since the Clubhouse opened, 7 members have gone back to school, 2 have completed bachelor’s degrees and several have earned GEDs. The article highlighted the experience of one member and an employer who participate in the transitional employment program. A local attorney, David Shapiro, owns a small restaurant a few blocks from the Clubhouse and has hired several members as part of the program. One of those members, Brian, works there a few hours 5 days a week and hopes to work his way back to full-time employment step by step. He will work there for six months. Shapiro expects to be a long-term supporter of the program. “The staff bonds with the members, and we’re sorry to see them go at the end of their stint,” Shapiro said. “Brian rarely misses a day, and he’s always here 20 minutes ahead of time. It’s a place where I think he feels very welcomed and comfortable.” For more information about B’More Clubhouse, visit www.bmoreclubhouseinc.org.

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