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Our Portal Expands! Now Recognized Coalitions and Associations of Clubhouse International Have Their Own Portal!

Clubhouse International is pleased to launch our newest resource – a special self-service portal, where recognized Clubhouse International Coalitions and Associations can access a range of exclusive resources relating to the work of Clubhouse Coalitions and the Clubhouse Model. This newest Portal extends the Portal capabilities already provided to Clubhouse International member Clubhouses, Faculty and Startups (see below).

Recognized Coalitions and Associations

Once Coalition/Association Portal admins are logged in, they can:

  • Access and manage your organization's information, including any general information about your Coalition, including the name, address, email and phone information, and the name of the Clubhouse where your Coalition is located, if any.
  • Add, edit or delete your member organizations and all authorized Coalition Portal Users.
  • Manage your Coalition document library, which allows you to add or delete specific documents relating to your Coalition – such as committee work, information sharing or archiving – covering Communications; Data Collection and Research; Coalition Expansion; Strengthening Coalitions; Accreditation; Training; Coalition Conferences; or any other topic.
  • Access the full document library available to Clubhouse International member Clubhouses, containing best practices and helpful tools, including our Employment Manual; our Wellness Toolkit; our Communications Toolkit; and Clubhouse Research, including CPQ upload instructions and links to our newly-released Clubhouse Impact Report.

The Portal is also designed for:

Current Member Clubhouses of Clubhouse International

Member Clubhouses can manage most aspects of their membership, including:

  • Membership. With just a few clicks, Member Clubhouses can:
    • Review their current membership status, including upcoming renewal dates for their membership and Clubhouse accreditation
    • Receive important alerts about their membership from Clubhouse International
    • Make changes to their Clubhouse International membership account information, including their Clubhouse International Directory listing, which go live as soon as they are made
    • Renew their annual Clubhouse International membership – and pay online
    • Add, update or delete their enrolled portal users: Clubhouse Directors can add, delete or edit any user information at any time
    • Manage their Clubhouse International document library, including the ability to add or delete specific documents relating to their Clubhouse for Accreditation or archival purposes – covering membership, accreditation, training action plans, CPQ or other research submissions, or any other topic
    • Access exclusive Clubhouse Resources, including a document library of best practices and helpful tools for achieving sustainability, in both remote and physical opening modes, available only from Clubhouse International
  • Accreditation. Member Clubhouses can
    • View their current Accreditation status
    • Request a new or renewal Clubhouse International Accreditation
    • Manage their Accreditation process, including visit scheduling online
    • Upload documents requested and exchanged during the Accreditation process
  • Training. Member Clubhouses can
    • Access Clubhouse International’s online training calendar
    • Obtain course descriptions, pricing, and specific contact and enrollment information for each training program offered by Clubhouse International and any our 12 global training bases
    • Upload Training Action Plans after each training session in their document library for future reference and Accreditation visits
  • Seminars and Conferences. Member Clubhouses can
    • Access information relating to recent or upcoming Clubhouse International Seminars and Conferences

Current Faculty Members

This portal provides a new online Accreditation report plus resources for completing onsite or remote Accreditations using a pc, tablet or mobile phone. Resources include:

  • A single online repository for each Faculty member’s current or upcoming Accreditation visits – ability to view the status of each visit and access the Accreditation report draft relating to each Clubhouse visit
  • Ability to start, edit and complete an online Accreditation report during or after an Accreditation visit – ability for multiple Faculty members to draft and review an Accreditation report online from multiple locations
  • Access to Clubhouse International’s complete Faculty Resource Manual, allowing for easy copying and pasting of Recommendations, Suggestions and Rationales from the Resource Manual directly into the Accreditation Report for any Clubhouse – saving valuable time and ensuring reporting consistency across visits

Startup Groups

This special portal is designed to provide easy access to New Clubhouse Development Training and exclusive resources to help you start and sustain a new Clubhouse in your community. Resources include:

  • Startup Group Resources: Exclusive resources for Start-Up Groups – articles relating to Clubhouse values, board formation, sustainability and more
  • New Clubhouse Development Training Program: Access upcoming New Clubhouse Development Training schedule, and apply and pay for the training online
  • Clubhouse Resources: Access to exclusive Clubhouse Resources, including a document library of best practices and helpful tools for achieving sustainability, in both remote and physical opening modes, available only from Clubhouse International

For questions or assistance with the portal, contact Mr. Lee Kellogg at lkellogg@clubhouse-intl.org.

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