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World Seminar 2021 Welcomes Over 1,300 Participants
October 8, 2021

This year’s virtual Seminar was held on October 4-8, and attracted over 1,300 participants from 27 countries, 35 U.S. states, and nearly 200 Clubhouses, in addition to several global mental health organizations and stakeholders. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Registrants will have access to the Seminar video for 90 days after the event. Click here to sign in to your Whova account. At the home page click on agenda and select day and session for a recording. There are also a number of videos in the video gallery (in the resources section), including some with subtitles in other languages.

  • Dr. Ingrid Daniels, President, World Federation for Mental Health, opened the proceedings.
  • Two Clubhouses from Argentina, Casa del Paraná, Rosario and Baires Casaclub, Buenos Aires, also participated in the Seminar opening.
  • The Seminar’s flexible schedule accommodated multiple time zones. Click here to view the Seminar Schedule.
  • In addition, Translation Services were available.

An Exciting Agenda!

We are pleased to announce special guest: Dr. Ingrid Daniels, President of the World Federation for Mental Health & CEO Cape Mental Health, Cape Town, South Africa. Don’t miss it! Dr. Daniels will share her perspective on the changing global mental health landscape regarding needs, opportunities and concerns; and the Clubhouse Model as an important component of mental health service systems worldwide.

Dr. Daniels is the Chief Executive Officer of Cape Mental Health, the auspice agency of the two Clubhouses in South Africa. Among other accolades, Dr. Daniels was the recipient of the prestigious SA Federation for Mental Health National Award in 2012 for the Outstanding Individual in Mental Health, for her leadership. She serves on the South Africa’s National Mental Health Advisory Committee, as a board member of the South African Federation for Mental Health, and on the Rural Mental Health Campaign Committee. Dr. Daniels also served on the Community Advisory Committee for research on the Genomics of Schizophrenia in the Xhosa population at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cape Town. Dr. Daniels is committed to addressing global mental health challenges particularly in South Africa and in LMIC’s. She is a tremendous advocate for people living with mental illness and for ensuring that the voice of lived experience is at the forefront of conversations and action around mental health. Dr. Daniels is unwavering in her commitment to encouraging greater investment in mental health services and to devising innovative, community-and-recovery-oriented solutions to ensure that people everywhere have access to proper mental health care.

NEW THIS YEAR! We’re excited to introduce a series of unique, participatory forums to explore topics including:

  • Decision-Making in the Clubhouse
  • What is a Work-Ordered Day?
  • The Clubhouse Standards
  • How to create a vibrant, collegial, welcoming Clubhouse culture
  • Attracting, Welcoming, Engaging New Clubhouse Members
  • Employment: Why having a job matters so much to members, and how Clubhouses can best support that goal
  • The Post-Pandemic Clubhouse: Rebooting your Work-Ordered Day
  • Clubhouse Boards and Advisory Boards
  • Making the case for your Clubhouse
  • The Dimensions of Wellness, the Clubhouse Way
  • The Clubhouse Education Function
  • The Clubhouse Recovery Journey
  • Why have a Clubhouse in our community? The perspective of a community’s mental health administrator
  • Clubhouse: our place in the fast changing global perspective on mental health

Schedule Overview

  • Monday, October 4: Opening Session
  • Tuesday, October 5: Forums
  • Wednesday, October 6: Forums
  • Thursday, October 7: Forums
  • Friday, October 8: Closing Session
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