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October 10 was World Mental Health Day -- You Can Still Help Us Celebrate!
October 9, 2023

We were pleased to collaborate with the World Federation for Mental Health on making World Mental Health Day 2023 on October 10th a unique and exciting experience — click here for our press release!

This year’s global theme is: Mental Health is a Universal Human Right. The purpose of the day is to help expand effective global and community solutions for reversing the effects of mental illness through raising awarenesseliminating stigmaempowering communitiesencouraging greater investment by key stakeholders, and celebrating accomplishments.

Our 2023 WMHD Campaign: #CommunityWORKS!

Please join us and participating Clubhouse International Clubhouses as we highlight the positive impact of community on mental health. At the core of the Clubhouse Model, community helps end isolation and transforms lives. Watch this video to learn more:

Clubhouse International and Member Clubhouses Launch #COMMUNITYWORKS Campaign for 2023 World Mental Health Day

Here’s What YOU Can Do

  • Share how community transforms lives at your Clubhouse and in your life on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter or YouTube pages!
    • Examples: showcase members and staff working side-by-side; highlight community partnerships; share quotes of how community helps end isolation
    • Tag Clubhouse International
    • Use hashtags: #CommunityWorks #ClubhouseWMHD23 #WMHD2023
  • Develop a community-focused event to take place on October 10

Ending Isolation Through Community

The Impact of Community on Mental Health

According to the US National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), a sense of community is essential to a person’s mental health. Community is all about connection and is critical for us to thrive. This is especially true for someone living with mental illness who may already be experiencing loneliness and isolation. Studies show that feelings of isolation can be linked to: suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts, more stress, less restful sleep, and greater difficulty paying attention and doing complex tasks.[1] Community provides many elements that are critical to mental health, most importantly:

  • A sense of belonging where you can be yourself and are appreciated for your unique qualities.
  • Support from a group of people who can help you through difficult situations.
  • A feeling of purpose where everyone in a community fills different roles.

[1] Source: WebMD

How Clubhouses Promote the Importance of Community

The Clubhouse Model works because it is a community-based approach to recovery. Clubhouse members and staff work side-by-side to support resilience and independence among Clubhouse members, providing opportunities for friendship, employment, housing, education and access to care. Clubhouses help members end social isolation by coming together in a supportive, collaborative environment.

We encourage Clubhouses to build on the community aspect of the Clubhouse Model by collaborating with local community partners. These partnerships create more opportunities to learn life skills, reach more people with mental illness, find employment, and provide social activities and events outside of Clubhouse working hours. Partnering with local Rotary Clubs, for example, has been successful for many Clubhouses. 

Here are some examples of how Clubhouses are promoting community:

Independence Center, St. Louis, MO, USA

We have an extraordinary community support program with truly caring case managers who work in partnership with our members. We provide holistic, person-centered care that promotes resilience and independence. We help members identify their own barriers and find ways to overcome them. We help our members with life skills, such as self-care, cooking, and money management.”

Gainesville Opportunity Center (GOC), Gainesville, FL, USA, partnered with their local Rotary Club to build a commercial kitchen. The project, The Rotary Kitchen at the GOC, received funding from Rotary Club. In addition, one of the Rotary members provide the Clubhouse with 2 Transitional Employment and 1 Supported Employment job.

Fontenehuset Drammen, Drammen, Norway

The Clubhouse offers a social community outside working hours, which contributes to well-being and cohesion. This includes lunchtime walks, activities during the holidays, and after hours “Leisure Café” where members participate in cooking, games and art projects

Thunderbird Clubhouse, Norman, OK, USA recently participated in the Artist Collective Art Show in Norman, a community engagement event that allows members of the Thunderbird Artists Collective to display their work. Beyond a fundraising opportunity, the show is a chance for the Clubhouse artists to engage with the larger Norman artist community.

Meet Our 2023 WMHD Clubhouse Partners!

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