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Turning Lives Around, With Help From a Clubhouse
November 17, 2011

The New York Times – November 17, 2011
Summary: Brooklyn’s East New York Clubhouse was recently in the news. The New York Times reported the story of clubhouse member, John Halloran, and how he has dealt with his financial and emotional struggles. Mr. Halloran has suffered from post-traumatic stress and anxiety disorders since childhood. He also has a speech impediment, which he believes has been a barrier for him in finding work. In 2009, Mr. Halloran was referred to Brooklyn Community Services’ East New York Clubhouse, where he jumped at the chance to participate in running the clubhouse. “I wanted to get my life together and try and be normal”, he said.  In his volunteer work at the clubhouse, he discovered his passion for cooking and helped prepare meals for fellow members. He also began working at a boxing gym through a transitional employment program at the clubhouse. Mr. Halloran’s dream is to turn cooking into a profession and he has applied to take cooking classes. “When I cook, all my problems disappear,” he said. “It gets rid of all my stress. To read the entire article click here

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