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Take Action on Mental Health Action Day - May 20!
May 17, 2021

Clubhouse International is proud to be a founding partner of Mental Health Action Day; an open-source movement of brands, organizations and cultural leaders encouraging more people to take action for better mental health.

Watch the video to learn how to add your voice to our Be Yourself Campaign. Show solidarity, celebrate individuality and share hope with people and families living with mental illness. We hope you’ll join in!

Check our website and follow us on social media for ways to get involved with Mental Health Action Day, and more updates as we get closer to May 20.

Over the past two decades, suicide rates have risen, particularly among young adults, and challenges of isolation and anxiety faced by people living with mental illness continue to create obstacles to living healthy, fulfilling lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the already dire crisis.

Though more people than ever are comfortable discussing mental health, finding effective resources and knowing how to get help remains a challenge. Mental Health Action Day is an open-source movement of brands, organizations and cultural leaders to drive mental health awareness to mental health action.

Click here to view our full press release and partners list.

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