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Member Stories

Steven's Story
October 1, 2014

Steven’s Story: I was suicidal and had to be hospitalized. It felt like an unending nightmare, and one that I would not wish on my worst enemy. I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and eventually ended up losing my job and going on Social Security disability. I can recall saying to myself, all that I need is a glimmer of hope. That’s all I need is a glimmer of hope.

Finally that glimmer of hope I was so desperately longing for made its way into my life. One day my case manager took me to visit the Carriage House, and I can honestly say that my life has not been the same since I stepped through the doors of that beautiful house.

Thanks largely to my Clubhouse, I have my Masters’ degree, and am currently working back in my career field of radio, TV, and motion pictures. Today, I own my own video production business and a growing list of clients!

Clubhouse provides a positive community environment that emphasizes five important words… you can and you will! For more on Steven, click here.

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