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Stairways to Health
April 16, 2009

Chico News & Review – April 16, 2009
Summary: A recent article in Chico News & Review reported on the opening of Club Stairways in Chico, California. This nonprofit gathering place, currently housed at the Jesus Center in Chico, is based on the Clubhouse model of Fountain House in New York City. Mike Little, Executive Director of Club Stairways, has been offering housing and support services for those with mental illness for 8 years through Stairway Recovery. He also serves as president of the local National Alliance on Mental Illness chapter. Little researched the Clubhouse model and used it to create the program. He felt that the interaction of members, who participate in the daily operations of the program, set the Clubhouse model apart from other kinds of services.  In less than 2 months, Club Stairways has grown to 57 members.

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