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Thank you for Coming to Our 2023 USA Clubhouse Conference in Salt Lake City!
November 7, 2023

Our USA Clubhouse Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah was a great success! We welcomed 425 participants from 127 Clubhouses in 32 states and 3 countries, including a large group from Japan. The conference featured many good educational presentations, and great engagement with member Clubhouses. The conference was followed by a two-day Accreditation Faculty meeting with 70 members of the faculty participating.

CLICK HERE for the Conference Schedule! Highlights included:

  • Moving member testimonials about how the Clubhouse Model supports and empowers them each day, including testimonials from conference co-host, Alliance House, about the support they receive from the Clubhouse, as well as the impact of Transitional Employment (TE) on their journey to full-time employment and recovery.
  • A 25-year Transitional Employment partnership between Alliance House and Salt Lake Brewing Company. The CEO and Director of Marketing spoke to how the TE program has helped both Clubhouse members and the company become stronger, more inclusive and more impactful.
  • Brent Kelsey, Director, Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health
  • Traci Pole, Assistant Regional Director, SAMHSA, Utah
  • Wayne Niederhauser, Coordinator for Utah Office of Homeless Services

Workshops & Institutes included topics such as Advocacy, Employment Programs, Supporting Young Adults and more. During these presentations, we:

  • Shared innovations in Clubhouse research
  • Launched an ‘Impact Slide Deck’ in partnership with USC’s Chan School of Occupational Therapy that will be available for Clubhouses to customize to help share the findings and impact of the Clubhouse with key stakeholders and partners
  • Shared best practices and resources for growing visibility of local Clubhouses and the global Clubhouse network
  • Discovered successes, challenges and strategies for starting a new Clubhouse

We are looking forward to seeing you in Richmond, British Columbia for World Seminar 2024!

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