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Benefits and Resources - Clubhouse International

Attending a recent NAMI Convention,

Clubhouse International Offers Substantial Benefits and Resources to Member Clubhouses

Clubhouse International is dedicated to helping and supporting Clubhouses through all of the stages of their development. Scroll further down this page to view our Exclusive Clubhouse Resources, Benefits and Links to Other Mental Health Organizations.

Exclusive Clubhouse Resources

Exclusive Membership Benefits

  • Worldwide exposure through our website, social media channels, International Clubhouse Directory and Resource.
  • Access to a database of over 1,000 articles and presentations about the Clubhouse model, and how to start, develop and sustain a successful Clubhouse in your community.
  • Ongoing communications through Clubhouse International Annual Report and monthly newsletter.
  • Active participation in the continual, consensus-driven process of evolving and updating our International Standards for Clubhouse ProgramsTM. These Standards are at the heart of the success experienced by Clubhouses around the world and provide the basis for assessing Clubhouse quality through Clubhouse International AccreditationTM.
  • Access to the Clubhouse International Accreditation process, which is heavily subsidized by Clubhouse International
    • The process often includes ongoing technical support with the Clubhouse International Faculty team, a group of 90 experienced Clubhouse members and staff, who have undergone an intensive training course
    • Your Clubhouse may also receive ongoing formal support in the form of consultations, etc. from any of the 12 Clubhouse International Training Bases. This service is for "at-cost" with fees established accordingly
  • Interactive support for your specific questions and issues via our website and email exchanges with Clubhouse International staff/volunteers and a strong network of Accredited Clubhouses
  • $100 discount per attendee at the biennial Clubhouse International World Seminar, which offers a unique opportunity to meet and gain knowledge from over 600 Clubhouse experts from around the world

Quick Links:

  • Clubhouse International Membership Application
  • To start or renew your Clubhouse International Membership or Accreditation Status, or to apply for one of our Training Programs, click on the word Portal in the upper right-hand corner of this web page, and login to your Clubhouse International account.
  • Links to Other Mental Health Organizations (see below)

Links to Other Mental Health Organizations


Canadian Mental Health Association

Clubhouse Europe
email: epcd.secretariat@gmail.com

Mental Health America

Mental Health Europe

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.

Schizophrenia Fellowship New South Wales, Australia

USA Government Mental Health Agencies

World Health Organization - Mental Health


Center for Mental Health Services Research: UMass Medical School


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