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Remembering the Life of Fred Carpenter
November 15, 2023

Clubhouse International and friends from the Clubhouse network all around the world mourn the loss of our long-time Board Member, Frederick Furman Carpenter, 72, who passed October 21, 2023.

Born on November 5, 1950 in Greenville, SC, Fred lived his entire life in Greenville, other than his college years at the University of South Carolina, and was one of the city’s most passionate ambassadors. Fred was married to his best friend and ever present companion, Marian McGinty Carpenter, for 48 years, and was the proud and loving father of his two sons, Tom and Neal Carpenter and their families.

Throughout his career and eventual retirement, Fred’s ultimate passion was his service in the nonprofit and civic sectors. Fred served for decades as a board chair, board member and fundraising co-chair for Gateway House, an Accredited Clubhouse Program for adults living with mental illness that provides a lasting impact for the most fragile members of the Greenville community. Fred served as a board member for Clubhouse International for 14 years. In that role he was a steadfast voice promoting the Clubhouse model and the rights and social inclusion of people with mental illness.

Fred will be remembered as a man of deep faith who loved his family and friends and served his community. He will be deeply missed.

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