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Partnership with ARCHIMED and their EURÊKA Foundation Leads to Clubhouse Development in France and Beyond
March 26, 2024

Recently, Clubhouse International’s Anna Sackett Rountree, had the pleasure of sitting down with leaders at ARCHIMED and their EURÊKA Foundation to discover how they came to be a vital partner of Clubhouse Lyon (France) and an advocate and supporter of five other Clubhouse International Clubhouses. Click here for a pdf version of this interview.

Vincent Guillaumot, Founding Partner, ARCHIMED and President, EURÊKA Foundation, was introduced in 2009 to Clubhouse France, by his colleague, Philippe Charrier. Vincent was immediately drawn to the concept of ‘Clubhouse’, but when he visited Clubhouse Paris and met with their members, he understood the life-saving potential of the Clubhouse Model and he then began to help with the development of Clubhouse Lyon.

In 2017, Vincent and his partner, Denis, offered a free space to host Clubhouse meetings for 3-6 months in Lyon, France. That was the beginning of what has become a thriving accredited Clubhouse, and partnership with ARCHIMED and the EURÊKA Foundation.

The ARCHIMED team met in person with Clubhouse members throughout this time which led them to recognize the restorative impact of members and staff working together in a holistic community.

Since joining Clubhouse Lyon as a member, Julie (pictured at right) says, “I saw my life change”. Meeting and working with new people have provided her with a community and helped her gain self-confidence. Through the Clubhouse she began to explore employment opportunities and was delighted to accept a position on the ARCHIMED office team as an Administrative Assistant.

Now, at ARCHIMED-Clubhouse luncheons, the team has learned that Julie, and others living with mental illness, have the same capabilities and interests as other employees, and are truly part of their team. This partnership helps reduce the stigma about mental illness.

Virginie Faucheur, Development Director, EURÊKA Foundation, sits on the Fundraising Committee which serves to ‘bring a sense of stability’ to the ongoing partnership between ARCHIMED and Clubhouse Lyon. The committee focuses on long-term funding, while participating in an annual fundraising event where they invite partners and network, advocacy, providing advice, and 1:1 coaching for Clubhouse members helping them to rejoin the workforce. ARCHIMED reports that this helps to build personal staff involvement as well as supporting the corporate initiatives of ARCHIMED. It is a win-win!

Virginie shared, “We are richer when we meet with everyone; we understand the importance of empowerment and that peopleliving with mental illness have the same potential as everyone else”.

Vincent shared that engaging with Clubhouse members in their daily work environments helps to show very concretely the impact of the Clubhouse Model; he says it brings a new and different perspective to how companies can tangibly be a part of the solution for people with mental illness. It’s a model that ARCHIMED is proving can work anywhere.

ARCHIMED has grown to believe in the Clubhouse Model and is now supporting several staff to become champions of Clubhouses in their respective countries: Poland, Italy, Denmark, Republic of Korea, Germany and USA (New York City). 

For example, Matthew Maser, Associate Director, joined the Board of Directors of Venture House (NY, USA), to lend knowledge such as fundraising advice and networking opportunities. “In December 2023, I became involved with Clubhouse as part of ARCHIMED’s relationship with Venture House. I believe in Clubhouse’s vital mission and the transformative impact it has on individuals facing mental health challenges and, given that Venture House happens to support the community and city I call home, I thought it represented a great initiative to support.” 

Before applying to the board, I had the opportunity to meet many of Venture House’s active members while touring its facilities. The positive impact Venture House was having on our community was evident in every facet of that tour.

I see this role as an opportunity to combine my passion for mental health advocacy with my professional expertise, fostering a stronger partnership between Venture House and ARCHIMED while contributing to the strategic direction and continued success of Venture House in its mission.”

What does the ARCHIMED team like most about the Clubhouse Model? The members!

Also that it:

  • Is proven internationally and yields tangible results
  • Is well-organized
  • Fosters an entrepreneurial spirit
  • Empowers members
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