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Cost-Effectiveness of the Clubhouse Model

Our Clubhouses provide communities around the world with a cost-effective solution for reversing the devastating impact of mental illness on society, and for helping people who live with mental illness achieve their full potential.

Recent studies show that Clubhouses achieve tangible results for members and their communities:

how your donation is used

Program Services
*Statistics for 2020

proven model works everywhere

Global Logo

people/year are reached by 350+ Clubhouses in 32 countries

maximizing dollars

One year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week psychiatric hospital stay.

fewer hospital stays

as a result of membership in a Clubhouse program.

reduced incarcerations

Criminal Justice System

Criminal justice system involvement is substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse membership.

Donate Today to Help

Donate Today to Help

Clubhouses powerfully demonstrate that people with mental illness can and do lead productive, happy lives. Each Clubhouse we open touches +/- 500 people in need!

Open a Clubhouse Image

Open a Clubhouse

Help ensure that people living with mental illness in your area have a place to go and support to find jobs, education, housing and a new lease on life.

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Find a Clubhouse Near You

Imagine if you had a place to go where you felt accepted, understood, hopeful AND that helped you get a job, go back to school or find a home. That is what Clubhouses offer.


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