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Opening of A Clubhouse for Elkhart County
May 31, 2012

Goshen News – May 31, 2012

Summary: A new Clubhouse in Goshen, Indiana opened in May after three years of planning by a local group. A Clubhouse for Elkhart County will provide a community of hope and recovery for people who have suffered from mental illness. It is a place for people to participate every day in valuable work, meet friends and find employment opportunities. The group purchased the historic Dale House and, according to Director Rich Meyer, it is ideal in location and size. The Clubhouse is the fifth one to open in Indiana. “We have 20 members as of today,” Meyer said. “We have had support from all kinds of directions (as the home is being outfitted and furnished).” Meyer estimated that membership will continue to grow through the summer and by July or August the members will be able to plan a grand opening. “We’re open,” Meyer said. “Nobody has to wait to visit us.”

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