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New 988 # Approved as Mental Health Support and Suicide Prevention Lifeline
November 29, 2021

Beginning July 2022, the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline will officially start using ‘988’ as the number to call or text when one is having a mental health crisis.

Approved by the FCC, the new number will increase ease and accessibility for those considering suicide or self-harm to receive help more efficiently and without the weight of stigma. It is easy to use and confidential, and will guarantee that the call will be answered by a person trained in helping someone with a mental health emergency.

We join our partner mental health organizations in supporting this new US nationwide mental health crisis service number.

At its upcoming Sozosei Summit hosted by the Sozosei Foundation, the agenda will focus on 988, in addition to creating and exploring pathways to decriminalize mental illness. The Summit is a global event that brings together public health experts, thought-leaders, people with lived experience, medical and legal professionals, and more. Click here to register for the Sozosei Summit, December 13-15, PA, USA (both in-person and virtual attendance options).

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