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Our Impact on Mental Health - Clubhouse International

A Worldwide Community Dedicated to Changing the World of Mental Health

FACT: Clubhouse International supports “Clubhouses” around the world where people living with mental illness can thrive.

FACT: Every day at Clubhouses around the world people living with mental illness are reclaiming their futures as part of a supportive and recovery-focused community.

The Problem:

The Solution: Clubhouse International

hilton humanitarian prize

awarded the 2014 Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize for extraordinary contributions toward alleviating human suffering.


people are reached

each year from 370+ Clubhouses in 32 countries


employment rate

employment rate at Accredited Clubhouses annually – double the rate for people in the public mental health system

maximizing dollars

One year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week psychiatric hospital stay

reduced incarcerations

Criminal Justice System

Criminal justice system involvement is substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse membership

fewer hospital stays

as a result of membership in a Clubhouse program.

Sources: Clubhouse International Clubhouse Profile Questionnaire; Johnson and Hickey (1999); De Masso, Avi-Itzak and Obler (2001).

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