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For Giving Tuesday & Beyond -- Help Support Our Work!
December 4, 2020

December is a month of giving. #GivingTuesday was on December 1. But for those who couldn’t celebrate the day with us, you still have time to make a tax-deductible gift before December 31: click here to donate!

In addition, you can easily donate to Clubhouse International through Amazon Smile, both during and after the holidays. Simply select Clubhouse International as your supported charity, and a portion of every purchase you make helps support our mission to change the world of mental health!

Helping members obtain gainful #employment is a cornerstone of the #Clubhouse model. Your gift will create more job opportunities for people like Heather:

I hadn’t worked in over 5 years, and I couldn’t event fill out a job application without having anxiety attacks. After having become a member of a Clubhouse, I gained greater self-confidence in my abilities. I now work at The Bakery as a cake decorator.

#ClubhouseWorks #MentalIllness #MentalHealth

Help us grow by giving today! Thank you!

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