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Fountain House New York Announces New Executive Fellows
March 1, 2016

Heading into its fourth year of its Executive Fellowship program, Fountain House is proud to announce its new participants at the FH blog post http://www.fountainhouse.org/blog/meet-our-new-executive-fellows


This program integrates state-of-the-art management techniques with the ideals and approach to social practice originated at Fountain House and practiced in clubhouses throughout the world. The Fellowship is open to new clubhouse directors, including applicants from outside the United States. Applicants are expected to be recently hired as the Clubhouse Sirector, have nonprofit work experience (prior Clubhouse experience is not required), and have a Masters Degree or be matriculated in a Masters Degree program.


The Fellowship is divided into three phases during the year, which requires participants to be away from their Cubhouses for a total of approximately one month’s time.  

The Fellowship educates participants in current state of the art nonprofit management techniques within standards-based practice. Fellows will be focusing on the following:

  • promoting initiative and charisma in staff;
  • practicing distributive budgeting techniques;
  • demonstrating motivational inspiration, both in writing and speaking;
  • fostering a collaborative style of leadership; and
  • initiating advocacy in the community on behalf of the membership in partnership with allied agencies

The program facilitates immediate access to senior level coaches who are skilled in various related domains in accordance with Albert Bandura’s observation that individuals learn best when encouraged by a significant partner. Ongoing support for graduates will be maintained through the use of social networking.

For more information, contact:

Jennifer Rivera
Director of Human Resources
Fountain House, Inc.

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