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Former First Lady crusades for better mental health care
May 10, 2010

The Washington Post – May 10, 2010
Summary: Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s new book, “Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis” describes the obstacles faced by people with mental illness and offers some ideas about how to remove these obstacles.  Carter’s goal is better treatment for people with mental illness, both in the medical and general sense. “Stigma is the most damaging factor in the life of anyone who has a mental illness,” Carter writes. “It humiliates and embarrasses; it is painful; it generates stereotypes, fear, and rejection; it leads to terrible discrimination.” She also points out that, in addition to stigma, people with mental illness are under-served by the health care system and are more likely to die prematurely than others. Her suggestions include: volunteering in the community, contacting Congress, watching your children for signs of mental illness and encouraging more open communication.

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