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First VIRTUAL New Clubhouse Development Training Held!
July 29, 2021

Clubhouse International conducted its first virtual New Clubhouse Development Training on July 12, 13 and 15 with ten groups participating. The training is intended to help Startup groups learn the essential infrastructure components in order to start and sustain a Clubhouse in their communities. The training had 55 participants from Ghana, West Africa, Kenya, East Africa, Delaware, Pennsylvania, California, Louisiana, North Carolina, New Jersey and Florida.

Comments from the training participants included, “It was a phenomenal experience, and I can’t overemphasize how engaging Clubhouse International made this training by presenting hugely helpful content and using a variety of collaborative learning devices, including the break outs with our teams and the virtual live Clubhouse tour from Fort Wayne, Indiana!  I was extremely satisfied and would highly recommend it.” – Delaware participant.

Pictured above: Nadine Nakamura, House of Representatives, Hawaii, USA.

We would like to thank the Carriage House in Indiana as well as all of our trainers for helping us to carry out this training. We hope to welcome new Clubhouses from these areas in the future! Clubhouse International has now trained 109 new start-up groups from across the globe with approximately 80% of them successfully starting new Clubhouses!

Click here for more information on New Clubhouse Development Training.

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