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Clubhouse International Launches #ClubhouseWorks
May 16, 2019

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are pleased to introduce #ClubhouseWorks — a fun and easy way to get healthy, promote Mental Health Awareness, AND support Clubhouse International! How does it work?

First of all, get healthy: take your workout pic and post it to your social media pages. Get your friends to post theirs too!

Second, become a fundraiser: you and your friends can launch and run your own fundraising campaigns to raise money to help us improve the world of mental health.

It’s easy to get started – take just 5 minutes and follow 3 simple steps:

  • Step OneClick here to access our new #ClubhouseWorks fundraisers page.
  • Step Two: Select which #ClubhouseWorks cause you want to support:
    • New Clubhouse Development – your funding will help us develop and launch more new Clubhouses in communities all around the world.
    • Wellness – your funding will help us expand our efforts to improve the physical health of Clubhouse members – thus helping to improve their mental health.
    • Advocacy – your funding will help us expand public support for mental health programs, and effect policy changes to improve insurance coverage for Clubhouse programs and services
  • Step Three: Click to Take Your Campaign Live!
    • Click the green Give Now button to make your own contribution
    • Click the blue Share button to invite your social media friends to join in

You’ll be able to track how much money you and your friends have raised for Clubhouse International and #ClubhouseWorks.

What better way to celebrate and promote Mental Health Awareness Month? Get healthy and fundraise for improving the world of mental health. We hope you’ll get on board with #ClubhouseWorks!

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