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Board Member

Donnamarie Randolph
Board Member

Donnamarie Randolph has been an integral member of the Clubhouse network since 2007 when she became a member of Magnolia Clubhouse (Cleveland, OH, USA). Recognizing the significance of mental health advocacy, Donnamarie has become a powerful advocate for the needs of those within the Clubhouse community and beyond. She is a member of the Board of Directors at Magnolia Clubhouse and is a member of the Clubhouse International Faculty team. Donnamarie travels around the Clubhouse network as a consultant and advocate. She has presented locally, as well as internationally, sharing the significance of the Clubhouse Model and its transformative impact on her life.

Donnamarie was a part of the Clubhouse Transitional Employment (TE) program which supported her as she was accepted for a position at the law firm, Hickman & Lowder. From there she transitioned to independent employment working at Bank of America until 2013. She then joined Charles Schwab until 2015. In 2016, Donnamarie started as Program Manager for Transitional Youth Housing Program where she supervised the ADAMHS Bd’s pilot Youth Transitional Housing Program. She currently works at Carmax as a Cross Functional Customer Specialist.

Donnamarie is a graduate of Cleveland State University with a degree in Psychology. She worked as an Early Childhood Educator for over 20 years.

A mom of four children and grandmother of seven, Donnamarie enjoys spending time with family, reading and baking. She is an avid angler who also enjoys hiking and other outdoor activities. Donnamarie desires to always be a mental health advocate.

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