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Board Member

Patrick Manasse
Board Member

Patrick Manasse is an attorney and the Chief Compliance Officer for MonetaGo Inc., a technology company which provides a global digital platform leveraging existing financial networks to prevent fraud in real time. Having lived in nearly every corner of the globe, Patrick now calls New York City home.

After studying Economics at McGill University in Canada, Patrick earned a Juris Doctor from Bond University in Australia, then went on to work for Spitfire Productions in Los Angeles, a venture responsible for producing a number of award-winning films. In 2008, he joined the New York law firm Guzov Ofsink as an associate, working for both the Corporate and Commercial Litigation groups. Patrick is also a graduate of a highly regarded MBA program based in Moscow, a product of a collaboration between the Russian government and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After his MBA, Patrick moved back to New York and founded MonetaGo with a partner.

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