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Suicide – the Silent Crisis
April 15, 2009

The Boston Globe – April 15, 2009
Summary: A recent article in the Boston Globe advocated a more open dialogue about suicide, recognizing it as a major cause of preventable death. Ninety percent of suicides can be prevented, according to the American Association of Suicidology. “Suicide takes more lives than homicide and HIV/AIDS combined, yet it is shrouded in secrecy and blame for the dead, the injured, and their loved ones,” said Ellen Connorton, founder of the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention. In the state of Massachusetts, leaders, urged by dedicated advocates and families, have secured funding for innovative suicide prevention programs. These programs cover a broad spectrum, providing training and services in schools, workplaces, neighborhoods and businesses, as well as critical support and intervention for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.

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