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The international Clubhouse community remembers and honors the lives of Rudyard n. Propst, Anse Leroy and Jim Schmidt.
August 30, 2011

The international Clubhouse community remembers and honors the lives of Rudyard n. Propst, Anse Leroy and Jim Schmidt. These three “fire souls” will be missed. With respect and sadness, we wish them farewell.

Rudyard n. Propst, the founder and first Executive Director of the ICCD, died on June 16, 2011. As an international Clubhouse community, we mourn the loss of the man who fanned the Fountain House flame into a worldwide movement, and we celebrate his life…Read More

Anse Leroy, M.D. Unfortunately, we have lost Anse Leroy. After four months in hospital, she died on Saturday, April 30th 2011. Anse was a fiercely dedicated advocate for the Clubhouse model, both in theory and in practice… Read More

Jim Schmidt, James R. “Jim” Schmidt, who worked for 38 years at the Fountain House in New York City and served as its Executive Director 1982 to 1992, died August 11, 2011, of pancreatic cancer. Jim was born in 1927 in Queens…Read More

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